Abacus and Mental Arithmetic means using abacus for the teaching of mental arithmetic. Abacus is a tool used for the calculation of PLUS, MINUS, MULTIPICATION and DIVISION. Abacus and mental arithmetic method is the world’s best method of learning calculating skill. ABACUS for kids is a Great Activity for between AGE 5 -13 and Demand For Studying ABACUS is Increasing day by day.
Abacus became popular over the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument into a system having immense power to benefit children of small ages by expanding the brain usage, in addition to making math’s learning easy and effective. Mental arithmetic is said to improve Mental Capability, Increases Speed of Response, Memory Power, and Concentration Power. Abacus math programs for kids does not just improve their manual dexterity, but also gives them feel for numbers and prepare them for mathematical problems. Abacus calculation also requires intense concentration and quick thinking as well as fast and photographic memory.
It is a boon for kids as it enables them not only to learn to do mental maths but also to utilize all functions of both left and right brain. We at UCMAS work in accordance with child’s psychology. We understand the importance of ‘play’ in a child’s life and implement playful methods in our lessons, so as to make their experience joyful and memorable translating into effective learning.