A pioneer in the field , UCMAS Mental Arithmetic has been providing programs that help stimulate brain development in children aged 5 to 13 for over 30 years.
From our humble beginnings in 1993, UCMAS has proven time and gain that it is the pioneer in brain development programs for children.
From our first centre established in Malaysia, we have expanded our ideas of better tomorrow for young children by streching our ideas and concepts to every corner of the globe.
With over two decades of experience and ever improving knowledge and innovations, UCMAS has established its global franchise brand in 5 continents covering more than 80 countries.
UCMAS has about 6000 centres worldwide and has helped over 3 million children around the world till date.
With presence in 25 States of the country, UCMAS India has more than 1500 thriving children with great skills and confidence across the country.
UCMAS franchise provides an ideal platform for enthusiastic enterpreneurs who seek to make a positive difference not only in their professional careers, but also impact the society. Our lucrative franchise features give a great head start to begin your own business.
Our Franchise support network helps franchisees reach their & business goals with a complete system including both business processes and educational curriculum.
From training to marketing, we provide assistance at several levels and share valuable experience and inputs that help franchisees in setting up and operating a profitable a UCMAS franchise.